Current Transits for January 2001

Here's some of the important astrological news this month ...


Vesta enters Pisces, 1-8
Full Moon/Total Lunar Eclipse at 19Cn39, 1-9
Saturn quincunx Chiron, 1-15
Inauguration Day, 1-20
Pallas enters Sagittarius, 1-20
New Moon at 4Aq37, 1-24
Saturn Direct Station at 24Ta04, 1-24
Jupiter Direct Station at 1Gm11, 1-25

An online ephemeris for the month is available.

General Outlook for the Month

Happy New Year! The year starts on a very sluggish note, with hardly any energy to speak of for the first half of the month. The only powerful planetary configuration in January is a 10 day storm pattern around the time of the inauguration, after which the energies go quiet again. Some long-term situations (more likely on a broad social basis rather than for the average individual) are coming due around the 24th and 25th, as Saturn and Jupiter both reach their direct stations. Expect some "crisis situations" to come up around then, followed by a slow resolution period in the coming months. The full moon on the 9th is also a total lunar eclipse, setting the stage (along with the Christmas solar eclipse) for powerful transformative events in 2001. It may feel like the month is a grind (like wading through quicksand) and it's difficult to get much done. If you keep your focus and determination up, you will see this is all part of building for the future -- don't get discouraged.

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Vesta enters Pisces, 1-8

Vesta shifts from Aquarius into Pisces on the 8th. This is an extremely reclusive combination. Vesta is known for needing to retreat or withdraw when life becomes too demanding, in order to reconnect with herself and her inner soul power. Pisces often indicates times of drawing inward, as well, being the zodiac sign of hermits and monks (as well as prisoners). It's a difficult time for relationships, since one or both people may be in the mood to pull back or go into isolation. Vesta can feel overwhelmed by others. This is a time when it's easy to merge emotionally with others, but that can feel like a "loss of self" to someone in a delicate frame of mind. The danger in this kind of retreat is that it leaves the partner dangling and isolated, prone to feeling stuck in an unsatisfying situation (remember that Juno, the Queen of Relationships, is also in Pisces these days). The typical Piscean murkiness can make it hard to discuss these emotional issues and reach any agreements. This tension of merging together vs. retreating will be with us until Vesta moves into Aries on March 12.

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Full Moon/Total Lunar Eclipse at 19Cn39, 1-9

There's a dart-shaped pattern in this eclipse chart pointed right at the full moon in Cancer. This says right away that emotional issues, especially related to matters of home, family and a sense of belonging, are coming to the fore. With planets like Ceres, Chiron and Uranus in the supporting roles, there's a big need now to turn these emotions over a few times and look at them with a fresh eye. Granted that practical concerns must be taken care of in this world, but matters of the heart are often what make life worth living or not. We all have our share of disappointments in life and emotional "crosses" that we drag around on our backs, all the little ways we settle for second best instead of striving for happiness. Sometimes, you just need to look at the hurts to which we've resigned ourselves, and ask point blank, "Why am I doing this to myself?" The answer that comes from deep inside is often a resounding and startling silence, as if to say there's no good reason. Fear of change or letting life become just a habit can be powerful ruts. It takes a big "Aha!" to break out of such a rut. The other group of planets (Mars, Neptune, Venus, Juno) hints that romantic relationships may be a specific arena where all this commotion is going on. I think we all grow up with idealized visions of what love and partnership are all about, and we spend much of our lives feeling cheated that real live relationships are something else. There's a tension in this group between letting go and emotionally merging with your partner vs. wanting to retreat and withdraw. In extreme situations, relationships can feel like a prison in coming months, producing a need to pull back. While a good defense mechanism in the short-term, I doubt it will solve anything. The heart must be given its fair and honest share of attention...

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Saturn Quincunx Chiron, 1-15

Saturn is quincunx Chiron for the 7th of 8 times on the 15th. This is a long-lasting contact that stretches from 1997-12-14 all the way to 2001-4-11, giving us plenty of time to absorb its influence. That time is running out, however. Saturn rules restrictions and limitations; it also rules over the physical body. I see in my therapeutic practice on a daily basis how unresolved emotions, issues and problems wind up being repressed or "stuffed". More often than not, this unconscious "stuff" settles into the physical body as illness symptoms and muscular tension patterns that distort the body's normal healthy functioning. These aches and pains that we endure are messages from your deeper self about the unresolved karma you've taken on without consciously learning the lessons they are communicating. From a holistic point of view, the spirit cannot be healed without healing the body. The body, too, must be enlightened and made whole. This kind of deep physical/emotional/spiritual healing is Chiron's forte. He brings those secret wounds and painful misunderstandings to the surface, not to be ignored or overcome, but to be seen and accepted. When the pain is acknowledged and released, the beauty and power of the spirit hidden there begins to shine. It's often the part that is most rejected that is the greatest gift. You may need some talented therapeutic help to reach this neglected level of the bodymind, but the effort is worth it. These fast moving times demand that we lighten our loads -- there's no reason to hold onto this karma any longer.

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Inauguration Day, 1-20

The constitution mandates that the new president is sworn in at noon on Jan 20, so we are reasonably sure about this chart before the event. The most obvious feature about this chart is its lopsidedness. Except for Jupiter and Saturn just below the horizon in the 1st house, all the planets are above the horizon. This indicates a preoccupation with the outer "real world" concerns, often at the expense of more inner, emotional matters; it can also indicate an estrangement or lack of contact with the public at large. Whether he deserves it or not, Bush gives the impression of not having a deep understanding of things.

I was drawn immediately to Mars sitting on the 7th house cusp of enemies and allies. This can sometimes be an indicator of friction and conflict, even outright military action. Given that Neptune will be passing over the 7th cusp of Bush's natal chart this coming year, the chances of some saber-rattling becomes even greater, especially over the matter of petroleum (he's already annoyed OPEC before even taking office). There are 4 planets in Sag in the 8th house (Pluto, Moon, Ceres, Chiron; the last two are fast approaching the Galactic Center), which seems to presage some intense fighting over taxes and other economic issues split along ideological lines. The true believers of both sides will stake out tough stances and it may take some bloodletting before people really learn to work together. Vesta, Juno and Venus in the 11th house (Congress) point to the importance of "women's issues", though there will likely be more talk than action the next few years. Sun, Neptune, Mercury and Uranus in the 10th shows the need for Bush to articulate a fresh vision for the country. His presidency may rise or fall on this one point.

The Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in the 1st house hangs like the sword of Damocles over Bush. This conjunction was exact last May 28 (at 22Ta43) and prefigures large scale societal changes for the next 20 years. The very fact that people are concerned about the economy so much, even talking of recession, indicates a radical shift in the wind already. Also, every time this conjunction has happened in an earth sign (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) for the last 160 years, the president has died in office. While a strong, protective trine exists between the Sun and Jupiter in this chart, it's still a matter of concern to see the conjunction so dominantly placed at the inauguration. May we live in interesting times...

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Pallas enters Sagittarius, 1-20

Pallas moves from Scorpio into Sagittarius on the 20th. This placement produces a very expansive type of mental outlook, a mind that takes in situations in complete gestalts instead of trying to digest a bunch of details. This is particularly useful when you are in the planning stages of a big endeavor, since you can see the entire process in your mind and anticipate all the steps along the way before you even start. The only problem with this "big picture" kind of mentality is that it's soft on the details. Be mindful of the "nuts and bolts" of the project, since that's what is likely to trip you up at some point. This is more "blue sky", visionary kind of thinking, giving the imagination free rein, so feel free to think big. Indulge broad concepts and imaginative visions, even if they seem totally impractical at the moment. There are many things of emmense value that enliven your life, but don't enhance the bottom line directly. This energy continues until June 21, when Pallas retrogrades back into Scorpio.

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New Moon at 4Aq37, 1-24

With Neptune so close to the Aquarian new moon, the coming month looks bright and hopeful, maybe even too much so. Neptune is known to bring a warm, fuzzy glow around everything it touches. It's the power of an idealistic vision that draws you onward to a new future, but it can also be the power of illusion or self-deception that tries to gloss over the problem areas of life. It's of the utmost importance that you be totally honest with yourself now, if you wish to avoid the pitfalls. I think, overall, that the positive sides of this contact are uppermost, given that helpful trine to Jupiter that's still in effect. If you keep your eye on how to accomplish your goals, you're more likely to remain practical in your approach. The other big group of planets in this chart is a picture of hard work, leavened by some mental insight. It's easy to barrel ahead with your plans and get bogged down in tons of everyday problems and snafus. Getting stuck is a sign that you're using the wrong approach. Step back a bit and take a fresh look at the situation, try on different points of view, play with the problem. You won't find the solutions through conventional logical thinking, so feel free to break the rules until something becomes clear. The mark of a good approach is that everyone involved comes out ahead, so don't leave feelings and "intangibles" out of your consideration. It's a great time to get new projects underway, even with these warnings, so don't let this time slip you by!

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Saturn Direct Station at 24Ta04, 1-24

Saturn is standing still on the 24th at 24Ta04, preparing to resume normal direct motion. Combined with Jupiter's direct station tommorrow and the lingering effects of their conjunction last May 28, not to mention the change in the presidency over the weekend, this is turning into a very crucial time for individuals and for society at large. On the personal level, this is usually a time to quit whining and take responsibility for your own actions and circumstances. It's easy to blame others for your lack of success, or to claim "bad luck" caused your limitations, but Saturn is not impressed by such excuses. He's a very exacting karmic teacher, insuring that we get out of life precisely what we put into it. If you sabotage your own efforts, expect to fail, or feel unworthy of good rewards, he will see that your actions will fall short. If you apply discipline and perserverence with a faith in yourself, you will more likely experience success. Since this retrograde cycle falls mostly in the sign of Taurus, we are needing to look at issues of physical prosperity and comfort, of having the tools and resources to prosper in life and having the will to apply them. Any privation experienced now is simply a goad to get moving and sieze the day. We all need the proper resources to support our lives and our plans, just as we need food and water to support our bodies. Only through your own efforts will you succeed now. On a more societal level, this station can signal some kind of challenge or problem, possibly some kind of economic issue that we can't hide from anymore. Until we as a nation take responsibility for our actions instead of expecting a free ride from the rest of the world, we will remain in a dissatisfied state. Karma applies to nations as well as people...

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Jupiter Direct Station at 1Gm11, 1-25

Jupiter stands still at 1Gm11 on the 25th. Since Jupiter rules over the connections we make with other people or society at large for our mutual benefit, the times when this planet is in reverse gear are times when this vast support network fails or dries up. These are periods when you need to fall back on your own skills or resources, to make do with little and husband your supplies responsibly. The people you normally rely on for support may not be there for you, or their ability to help you may limited. Similarly, your expenses may be bigger than expected, while your income may be less. You learn the difference between what is essential and what is unnecessary, because you are in a position where you have to choose between them. You can't have it all now. With the direct station, these issues should stand out in stark relief. It'll take several months before the normal levels of give-and-take resume between people. If you can survive the lean times gracefully, you'll be certain to do well later on.

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Martin Bulgerin
BioPsciences Institute
P.O. Box 11026
Minneapolis, MN 55412

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