Current Transits for May 2001

Here's some of the important astrological news this month ...


Mars conjunct Chiron, 5-1 and 5-29
Jupiter opposite Pluto, 5-6
Full Moon at 17Sc04, 5-7
Neptune Retrograde Station at 8Aq47, 5-10
Mars Retrograde Station at 29Sa03, 5-11
Ceres Retrograde Station at 22Cp49, 5-16
Vesta enters Taurus, 5-16
New Moon at 2Gm03, 5-22
Uranus Retrograde Station at 24Aq50, 5-29

An online ephemeris for the month is available.

General Outlook for the Month

The doldrums of the last few months just don't seem to let up -- this is about the 4th lackluster month in a row. In particular, with so many planets at or near stations in May, there's a "stuck" feeling going on that won't lift. It feels like the situation you're in is getting more difficult all the time. There's an undertone of learning some lessons about asking for what you want in life and putting in the effort to bring it about, although you'll likely need to undergo a long period of facing how you hold yourself back first. This can be a long, frustrating time (especially since Uranus and Neptune are in reverse motion until October), but it's important work to do. Watch for the problem areas that seem to intensify now and try some new approaches. This slow period won't last forever -- June has some powerful aspects and towering storms on the horizon. Hang in there...

The dominant theme in May is "standing still." There are 4 retrograde stations this month. Not to mention that Venus is still sluggish after her direct station in April and Mercury is coming to a stop on June 3rd. With so many planets standing still, there aren't many aspects (the "fuel" of astrological influence) going off -- we are slowing to a crawl. In addition, there's one "big aspect" (the Jupiter-Pluto opposition) on the 6th and Vesta enters Taurus on the 16th. I also have a few words on Mars and Chiron again, since they are playing tag this month.

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Mars Conjunct Chiron, 5-1 and 5-29

As I discussed last month, the retrograde cycles of Mars and Chiron are intertwined this summer. Besides trekking back and forth across the same territory (which includes the Galactic Center), these two make a series of 3 conjunctions. The first 2 contacts are the 1st and the 29th of this month, while the last one is on 8-23. It's definitely forcing me to bring my Mars out of mothballs, which may account for the tone of this month's issue, but a number of people I've talked to seem to be having the same issue. I'll discuss Mars problems later, but you probably get the drift already. Just be aware that people may be more irritable and angry than usual, until they understand the underlying issues. It's not easy becoming a Sacred Warrior...

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Jupiter Opposite Pluto, 5-6

The opposition of Jupiter and Pluto is the last of 3 contacts stretching back to last Labor Day. The previous contacts were on 9-4 and 10-13 of last year. One of the hallmarks of this opposition the last 8 months has been a mismatch between the inner and outer worlds. Jupiter has been drawing our focus towards building up the outer world, making contacts with others, learning how to fit in and play the game. If you find this kind of game interesting, this has probably been a successful time, except for the power issues that come up now and then. For others, this emphasis on externals can be quite draining (and unrewarding). After a time, playing the game can turn into putting on a false front in order to survive. You'll know the difference by how you feel inside -- the former feels alive and exciting, while the latter is deadening and suffocating. This sense of an inner death is Pluto's calling card. He's telling you firmly that you've strayed from your roots, that your life is no longer reflecting your inner nature. It can range from a mild dissatisfaction with things to a burning feeling that you've lost your spiritual way. Obviously, we live in both worlds at once and somehow a sense of balance must be struck. Overdoing either extreme will cause the other to suffer. It's just not the easiest task right now to reach this balance or bring conflicting demands into alignment. Keep up the struggle anyway...

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Full Moon at 17Sc04, 5-7

A Scorpio full moon is intensely emotional. Tie it in with the Jupiter-Pluto opposition, and the emotions literally bubble over. Your close love relations may be a fertile battleground for all this feeling, as Juno focuses all this tension on our partnerships. It's a good idea to try to dispassionately discuss the issues, because it may defuse some dreadful misunderstandings later on. Pallas helps you look at these feelings without getting involved or blowing them out of proportion, an ever-present danger in close relationships, as does the Saturn - Mercury conjunction in early Gemini. It's been a tough time for partners lately anyway, so give the two of you a chance to relax and unwind with each other. You're partners in life, not enemies -- remember that!

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Neptune Retrograde Station at 8Aq47, 5-10

Neptune reaches his retrograde station (8Aq47) on the 10th and starts a 5 month period of reverse motion. This means Neptune is holding a mirror to our dreams and ideals this summer, except that his is a carnival mirror full of waves and distortions. It's hard to see "the truth" these days (assuming there is such a thing as far as Neptune's concerned) or make any clear decisions, because there is so much confusion and unreality in the air. Personally, my life has felt quite surreal lately (and I'm not alone) -- I expect this feeling to intensify even more. First survival tip -- don't feel like you have to make any snap decisions now. Give yourself plenty of time. And don't try to sort out the situation rationally -- ultimately, clarity will only come from the heart. Talk to as many people you trust as you can and get their point of view -- but don't feel you have to "believe" anyone. However, you really need to take a good look at your dreams and visions for your life. What motivates you, how do you view yourself, what are you trying to build? And given the "realities" of your present life, do these dreams really serve your purposes? Even the brightest and most noble vision can be out of touch with current circumstances and hence become a negative force. Maybe you just need to update the details or take a more mature approach. But maybe you need to make a radical break with your dreams of yesteryear and let them go. It's a tough call and there are no certain rules here. Listen to your inner voice. Neptune goes direct again on October 17, at 6Aq00.

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Mars Retrograde Station at 29Sa03, 5-11

Mars is the next planet to hit a retrograde station, standing still on the 11th at 29Sa03. Fortunately, Mars doesn't back up like this very often (every 2+ years) or for very long (about 2 months), because this can be a frustrating time. During Mars retrograde, your ability to perform effective action is severely curtailed. Something is getting in the way of expressing your will-power; your mission is to find out what that is and fix it. Easier said than done (or you'd probably have done it already). The traps that we fall into with Mars are many. The most obvious is a quick temper that keeps us from relating well with others, although a slow temper that never boils over, even when you need to assert yourself, can be just as difficult. Sometimes it's a matter of impatience with planning or preparation when you just want to jump right in and do it. Again, too much preparation and checking things out can prevent you from even starting anything. Another guarantee for thwarted activity is working harder when you should be working smarter (Mars is a soldier, not a thinker). What's your private way for sabotaging your activities? It seems the entire trick is to shamelessly work for what you want, even using force or ruffling feathers if necessary, while keeping your ego in balance. Too little ego is just as imbalanced as too much, although the latter is more noticeable. It helps to know clearly what you want, since much effort can be wasted on goals that aren't worthwhile in the end. Follow your anger -- that will tell you where you are stuck. And if you find that stuck area, hit it with the biggest crowbar you have -- it's time to get moving again! Mars finishes his retrograde cycle on 7-19, when it goes direct at 15Sa07.

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Ceres Retrograde Station at 22Cp49, 5-16

Ceres hits her retrograde station, 22Cp49, on the 16th. She goes direct again on 8-27, at 8Cp45, so the entire retrograde cycle is in Capricorn. This is a rather odd combination, since Ceres is the Great Mother, while old Capricorn is perhaps the most stodgy and paternal of all the zodiac signs. Apparently, our ways of nourishing each other, of giving and receiving love and support, needs to be gone over carefully the next few months. And not just a quick "once over" either, but a very thorough, down to earth scrutiny. Who or what are you trying to support and build up? Who or what is so dear to your heart that you'd do anything for them? And are they worth it? That's a very "bottom line" kind of question (the kind Capricorn really likes), but sometimes we must even trim back our connections to Life around us. If people are draining you, perhaps you need to pull away. It's kind of a "tough love" policy: I love you, but it has to be a fair exchange. Look after your physical health the next few months, since this placement can sometimes lower your vitality.

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Vesta enters Taurus, 5-16

Vesta moves from Aries into Taurus on the 16th. Vesta is the inner flame, the place deep inside you where all your power and wisdom comes from. As she moves into Taurus, the message is that one of these power sources is the wisdom of the body and the beauty that enters us through our physical senses. The next two months are a time to reconnect with our bodies and the material world around us, to really learn to appreciate the wonder of earthly life. If you have a garden, it's a great time to commune with it. One of the sub-plots here requires you to come to more comfortable terms with your own sexuality and physical love, as the rhythms of sexuality are woven deeply into our bodies. We deny the rhythms of Life at our peril, because we are Life. The material plane is no less spiritual than intangible mystical states. Our quest for a one-sided spirituality turns the body into a "shadow" element, something ignored, despised and disowned. Embrace the body/yourself -- it's the only sane path. Vesta moves into Gemini on July 31.

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New Moon at 2Gm03, 5-22

Venus, Jupiter and Pluto form the strongest pattern in this chart, bringing out a feisty side of the feelings. It may be hard to hold people back, as things seem to go smoothly for a change. Nevertheless, it's important to maintain a bit of discipline and restraint now, with the new moon so close to Saturn. The coming month is excellent for intellectual work, with a large number of mental planets and air signs active, so put on your thinking cap and get to it. Balance a more systematic approach with some intuitive leaps -- you can always fill in the details later. It may take some time for the results to show, as ideas need a long incubation time currently, but the end product may seem truly inspired. Above all, get out of any depressive funk you may be feeling and get moving! The mood is light and airy for a change -- take advantage of the switch.

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Uranus Retrograde Station at 24Aq50, 5-29

Uranus is the last planet this month to reach its retrograde station on the 29th, at 24Aq50, though Mercury is not far behind. This is usually a sign that some area of your life is either stuck or has become such a habit that there's no life left in it. Either way, Uranus is here to shake things up. His wake up calls are typically disruptive, usually unexpected, and sometimes not very pleasant. However, he's never boring. Watch out in coming months for those unexpected twists and turns in life's path, those moments of "Aha!" and "Gotcha!" that snap you out of your habitual hypnotic spell and really wake you up. Figure out which areas seem to be begging for a change and what is holding you back. Sometimes it's a matter of lacking courage to take a risk, but more often it's simply that you didn't realize you had a choice in the issue. Uranus works by shifting your point of view. You don't even need to change your ideas or beliefs (though that happens anyway), since the ground under these ideas does the shifting for you. It's more like waking up to a whole new way of seeing the world (a paradigm shift), of opening up your intuitive perception. Granted, if you are attached to your old way of doing things, this can be a pretty uncomfortable process. But if you can see how much freer you are after the change, it's no effort at all. Bring on the synchronicities! Uranus goes direct again on 10-30, at 20Aq54.

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Martin Bulgerin
BioPsciences Institute
P.O. Box 11026
Minneapolis, MN 55412

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