Current Transits for March 2002

Here's some of the important astrological news this month ...


Mars enters Taurus, 3-1
Jupiter Direct Station at 5Cn37, 3-1
New Moon at 23Pi19, 3-13
Pluto Retrograde Station at 17Sa38, 3-20
Juno Direct Station at 15Le15, 3-27
Full Moon at 7Li54, 3-28

An online ephemeris for the month is available.

General Outlook for the Month

March shows a little more life than February did, but don't get your hopes up too quickly. Except for a mild planetary storm at mid-month, we haven't seen any action since the huge storms of January. In time, the planetary energies build in power again, but for now we're still just coasting and running on fumes. In short, take it slow and easy because there's no backup energy available if you over exert yourself these days. On the bright side, with Jupiter starting to move in normal motion as of the 1st, we're starting to see the rewards of our past actions a bit more. Mars in Taurus is good for slow, but steady activity. Just watch the Pluto station on the 20th, as that always seems to initiate long-term predicaments that are about to unfold. Rest up if you can -- April through June are much more hectic.

There are few obvious astrological events worth noticing this month. Pluto's retrograde station on the 20th is always a biggie. Jupiter and Juno both hit their direct stations. The only important sign change is Mars moving into Taurus on the 1st.

Mars enters Taurus, 3-1

Mars slips from Aries into Taurus early on the 1st for a 6 week stay. Even though Mars is totally at home in fiery Aries, I always breathe a sigh of relief when he settles into stable Taurus instead. A lot of people were complaining in February about how hot-headed and belligerent others seemed to be. Impatience, bordering on thinly disguised rage, seemed to be the norm all too often. When our Warrior God goes into Taurus, however, it really seems to settle him down. He's not in so much of a hurry for results and can tolerate slow and steady much better. He also exhibits more patience with others and has less of a tendency to pick a fight. The next 6 weeks are a great time to get some chore done that requires sustained effort. Taurus is well known for starting a job and plodding along until it's finally done. It may not require skill and finesse to finish the task, just a lot of steady work. This can also be also be a helpful influence in romantic relationships, since "male energy" is toned down and directed into more sensual directions. So settle down, relax, stay focused on your goals. It's amazing how much you can accomplish. Mars enters Gemini on Apr 13.

Jupiter Direct Station at 5Cn37, 3-1

Also on the 1st, Jupiter reaches its direct station (5Cn37) and slowly resumes normal direct motion. Jupiter rules over our connections with the world at large and how we can expand beyond our own boundaries. The times when he's in reverse gear can often be periods when your normal contacts with others seem to dry up or become less productive. This is most noticeable in matters of business or finances, especially when you're in business for yourself. It seems everyone has their "money issues" during Jupiter retrograde, making clients less likely to be in a spending mood. You need to cut back to the bare essentials and get by on less. The direct station is telling us that these issues are coming to a climax, but that they will be easing up in the near future. It takes some skill, planning and perseverance to get through the lean times like this. However, as more normal times start up again, those skills will come in quite handy. If you've streamlined your approach to the world, it will start paying off handsomely now. It's curious on the national scale that the recession declared last fall (Jupiter went retrograde Nov 2) is now being declared almost over. I suspect the economy will be more robust in short order as Jupiter gets things moving again. Look for some new avenues to be opening up shortly as the normal give-and-take between people picks up. It's time to be optimistic about the future.

New Moon at 23Pi19, 3-13

By the low standards of the last 6 weeks, this new moon chart is quite spectacular. It stars a huge fan-shaped pattern of 10 planets, which forms the backbone of the strong waveform we see. At last -- the planets are getting together and talking with one voice!

The large fan is focused at 7-10 degrees and consists of Venus, Mars, Vesta, Saturn, Jupiter, Chiron, Neptune, Pallas and Ceres; Mercury is on the fringes. There's a potent T-square in there (Venus, Jupiter, Chiron). The Neptune-Mars square is also emphasized, because the new moon lies right at their midpoint. Vesta, Uranus and Pluto are out of the picture for the most part.

Where to start with a chart this complicated? In the T-square, Venus and Jupiter both relate to money and finances (among other things). With Chiron involved, it's probably time to examine the emotional issues that are preventing you from attaining a more comfortable life-style than you've experienced for some time. Part of the problem is just dropping a sense of fatalistic pessimism that things can never improve and letting some optimism take over instead. Venus-Jupiter combinations are usually cheerful and pleasant, regardless of the aspect; Chiron wants to take them to even greater heights. The Neptune-Pallas square Mars, with the new moon in the middle, is curious in this context. That Taurus Mars has been urging us on to dig in and work hard, but Neptune and Pallas in Aquarius are reminding us to work smart and with a sense of vision. Since the new moon is accenting these planets sharply, this formula of combining brains and elbow grease is bound to show results, despite any obstacles. If you have work to do, this is the lunar month to do it! If you need to communicate with others or include them in the planning process, it's best to drop the frivolous formalities and just say what's on your mind. You may be too busy to spend time on socializing anyway, so talking "short and sweet" like this may serve a secondary purpose of letting you get back to your tasks. Generally, this is good energy for making a marked change in your life for the better. You just have to get up and do it.

Pluto Retrograde Station at 17Sa38, 3-20

Pluto is standing still on the 20th, at 17Sa38, about to go into 5 months of reverse motion. For me, the stations of Pluto are some of the most fascinating phenomena in all of astrology. This whole retrograde cycle is a lesson in letting go of things that are inessential to our lives and therefore holding us back, while coming to a deeper awareness of your true nature that's hidden behind these facades. Right now, at the first station, you are only dimly aware that "something is wrong" or needs to be released. It takes a long time for this awareness to grow and be acted upon. And the longer it takes, the more pressure Pluto brings to bear on the topic. You gradually notice that parts of your life that you took for granted don't seem to work anymore. Possessions that you've had and enjoyed for many years seem to break or wear out or simply lose their appeal to you. Situations where you've put off necessary changes for too long simply become intolerable. As the pressure builds over the next few months, eventually it becomes easier to change and let go than it is to hold this crumbling situation together. By the direct station (on 2002-8-26, at 14Sa54), if you're still holding back, the pressure is unbearable and things shift in spite of your intentions. All this is a sign that this area is inauthentic and incompatible with who you are at a deeper soul level. This is your own higher nature at work to waken your lower awareness to a greater understanding. It doesn't do any good to fight this process and try to stop it. For one, Pluto is very good at this sort of game and never loses. Further, this is not a conflict with some outer "evil" at work in your life (despite outer appearances). The only conflict here is between yourself and your deeper nature. You can't "win" this game without paying a price and dying a little bit inside. In fact, "losing" or giving in to the changes is actually the most rewarding path. This is a paradoxical process, often contradicting our conscious vision of what our life should be like, but that's Pluto for you. Look for the part of your chart (particularly the house position) where this cycle is taking place -- that's often the area of life where change is most needed. Your soul has a much grander idea of what's right for you than you ever imagined. You just have to trust the process.

Juno Direct Station at 15Le15, 3-27

Juno goes direct on the 27th at 15Le15, about to resume normal motion. Except for a week around Christmas, this entire retrograde cycle has been in the sign of Leo. (Juno went as far as 0Vi03 on Christmas before going into reverse gear.) This has been a time to reassess how balanced and supportive your relationships are for you and your partners. Juno wants her relationships to be a partnership of equals, where people stand behind each other and aren't out to take advantage of the other person. Leo, of course, loves to be noticed and appreciated; the higher the pedestal he stands on, the better. Obviously, there's a question of balance going on here. Yes, you need to be accepted, appreciated, listened to, even adored a little bit, but not if it gets in the way of treating your partner in a similar manner. Juno demands that people are co-equal; nobody gets to be "more special" than another. Perhaps that week in Virgo was a clue. Leo hogs the limelight, while Virgo works in a supportive role off in the wings. This was a reminder that this time is about "us", not "me". Without the support of others, we'd be left to fend alone; together, we can get much more accomplished. If you're feeling downtrodden in your partnerships, by all means speak up for yourself and air your grievances. When Juno smoulders too long over perceived injustices, she's apt to break out in a fit of rage and jealousy. But if you are the person perpetuating injustices on the other person, it's your duty to treat the other person more equitably. The week around this station is a crucial time to become aware of the health of your relations. If troubles crop up, address them. If things appear smooth, accept a well-deserved pat on the back (relationships are difficult, even in the best of times). This is the time to put the romantic glow back in your life. Juno leaves Leo for Virgo on Jun 12.

Full Moon at 7Li54, 3-28

By far, the most interesting part of the full moon chart is a Grand Cross, with the Sun and Moon lined up with Jupiter and Chiron. We are coming to an end of the cycle where Chiron is challenging Jupiter to move out into the world even more than usual (their third and last opposition is Apr 18). The full moon axis energizes this opposition to new heights, so be prepared. Don't let the paper chains of fear hold you down needlessly when you could easily rip them up and move on in life. Focus on your own goals, especially when they mesh well with the plans of those you work or live with. You may find some fresh ideas to play with around this time to back up all that enthusiasm. Such changes in perspective are very potent tools to transform your life. It may be hard to cooperate with others now, particularly if you feel they are hindering your progress, but try to anyway. Insisting on your own way too much can breed resentment and anger in others, which you don't need. Don't look back! This time is too good to waste!