Current Transits for June 2002

Here's some of the important astrological news this month ...


Uranus Retrograde Station at 28Aq50, 6-2
Mercury Direct Station at 1Gm21, 6-8
New Moon / Annular Solar Eclipse at 19Gm54, 6-10
Jupiter semisextile Saturn, 6-11
Juno enters Virgo, 6-12
Pallas Retrograde Station at 29Aq08, 6-13
Uranus parallel Pluto, 6-22
Full Moon / Appulse Lunar Eclipse at 3Cp11, 6-24

An online ephemeris for the month is available.

General Outlook for the Month

After the large amount of activity in May, the coming month looks to be considerably calmer, relatively speaking. June is really about finishing up old business and shutting the door on the past, then turning in expectation to the future. This is a quieter mood, a more passive energy, as we wait to see what new directions we are heading towards. In particular, all the old energies of "the Giant" pattern that we've been tracking since last August are drawing to a close in coming weeks. As that intense influence wanes in importance, our attention will be drawn elsewhere. Clean up the loose ends, resolve the old ties to the past, make some room for something new. The shifts this summer could be quite marked.

There's considerably less astrological news in June than last month. Besides the 2 eclipses, I see 2 big aspects that are repeating, 3 planets hitting their stationary points, and a sign change for the asteroid Juno. I think we can handle this.

Uranus Retrograde Station at 28Aq50, 6-2

Uranus is standing still at 28Aq50 on the 2nd, about to go into reverse gear until Nov 4, when it goes direct at 24Aq54. When Uranus stands still like this, life often starts getting weird. It usually happens in some area of your life where you've gotten too cozy and set in your ways, where the force of habit is stopping you from growth and healthy change. It's not so much that you are resistant to change as you're suffering from tunnel vision and don't even realize you have alternatives. Uranus works by opening your intuitive insight into life, not by changing your ideas about anything. You start seeing things from a different perspective and your old ways simply drop away. Keep an eye out for the unusual and unexpected around you, the odd occurence that catches your attention and gets you to ask what's going on here. As you pursue these oddities, you leave your old path and move off in a different direction. This process can feel disruptive in the extreme if you are too attached to your status quo, since Uranus will become increasingly annoying until it gets your attention. It's best to keep a light and bouyant attitude, not taking any point of view all that seriously, at least until some new directions open up. Above all, have some fun! The sense of fun is a sign from your soul that you're on the right path. Soul work doesn't have to be drudgery.

Mercury Direct Station at 1Gm21, 6-8

Mercury is standing still at 1Gm21 on the 8th, ending a 3 week period of retrograde motion that started on May 15 at 9Gm59. When Mercury is backing up, it seems like the thinking mind goes off the deep end. It's hard to think straight, communicate clearly, or even walk in a coordinated fashion. Computers frequently fail when you need them the most. All this is a sign that there's more to life than rationality and information. Language and symbolic thinking is only one way to attempt to understand the world. And when Mercury is in reverse, it's often a very poor way to get it. At time's like this, the world shows us that it's more complex and diverse than any system of pidgenholing can possibly imagine. It's humbling to see how limited thought can be. With Mercury about to resume normal motion, this mental fogginess will slowly lift in coming weeks. Take all the dreams and intuitions you're experiencing and start to put them into action. The thinking mind is slipping back into the driver's seat.

New Moon / Annular Solar Eclipse at 19Gm54, 6-10

The new moon is also a solar eclipse, making for a spectacular chart. The first thing about this chart that strikes the eye is how many planets (8 out of 15) are in just two zodiac signs, Gemini and Cancer. 7 planets are in air signs (Gemini and Aquarius), producing quite a mentally lopsided chart. It's not easy to keep your feet firmly planted on the ground now.

I would keep a close eye on this eclipse chart for at least the next 6 months. The combination of the last vestiges of the Giant with an eclipse is bad enough. With the eclipse conjunct Saturn and opposite Pluto, you'd guess right away that the stress levels will be sky-high. And this opposition, going back to Aug 5 of 2001, has a definite history and an attitude. Even though the Giant is passing on, the events of the last year are far from played out already. Start with our collective mental blind spots, the places where we don't understand and can't fathom that we don't have a clue. This kind of unawareness is guaranteed to boomerang on us later on, unless we wise up quickly. Conventional thinking got us into this quagmire, so it's worthwhile to try out more bizarre ideas for a change and see where that takes us. Avoid acting like you're a font of wisdom and infallible insight, since such egotism is bound to trip you up. And remember to balance all this mental activity with some human emotion and warmth. Those Cancer planets are reminding us that people belong to other people -- we need to look after each other. Under the best of circumstances, this could be a highly beneficial influence, getting us to examine some real troubling issues honestly. Unfortunately, it's not likely these are the best of circumstances. We'll keep watching this one...

Jupiter semisextile Saturn, 6-11

Jupiter is semisextile Saturn for the third and last time on the 11th, the day after the solar eclipse. The previous contacts were on Oct 10 of 2001 and Jan 17 of this year. Not only is this the final contact of this particular aspect, it's also the last aspect belonging to the Giant. In a sense, as individuals and as societies, we've paid the karmic debt of the last 10 months, sowing the seeds of the next story in the process. Jupiter and Saturn are both social planets, affecting the grand scheme of things in the world and how we fit into it. Being associated with Pluto this entire time, it's been a time to question and modify accepted social roles, either falling back on old answers (such as "patriotism" and "religion") or attempting to create new answers that reflect the individual, not the herd. I think, in hindsight, the next 2 decades will be seen as an attempt to create a workable world order -- given all the wars and societal unrest we see now, we have few options. It will involve balancing the benefits of being a member of the world with the responsibilities of contributing your fair share -- for now, we are completely out of balance. Realize that this aspect is one stepping stone within a 20 year cycle that began on 2000-5-28, when Jupiter and Saturn were conjunct at 22Ta43. As an example, the conjunction was on the Israeli natal Sun and the festering Israel-Palestine problem has blown up in our collective faces since then. Until selfish and short-sighted thinking is replaced, no solution is possible. Whether it's "death to the infidels!" or "what's in it for me?", there's a lot of immature behavior that prevents us from creating a more perfect world. The next step is up to each of us.

Juno enters Virgo, 6-12

Juno leaves Leo finally (after 9 months) and enters Virgo on the 12th. Juno is the principle of relating, of joining with another as an equal partner. When she enters Virgo, there is a strong need to "figure out" a relationship and "make it work better". This can be rather comical if carried out to compulsive extremes, but all partnerships have areas that could work more smoothly, given a little loving attention. Take some time to observe when you ruffle your partner's feathers or make them shrink back into themselves due to your inconsiderate behavior. Juno problems can sometimes be difficult to face directly, since she tends to "go underground" and operate covertly when she feels slighted. The lack of warm spontaneity between people is the sign that Juno needs some remedial attention. Be honest, above board, insightful and a bit humble (but not to the point of becoming a martyr) if you want to make headway here. Take care of the little things that trip us up on a daily basis, which often will sabotage a relationship faster than the big stuff. The reward for all this work comes when Juno enters Libra on Sep 5, and you get to enjoy all the warmth you've created.

Pallas Retrograde Station at 29Aq08, 6-13

Pallas is standing still at 29Aq08 on the 13th, about to back up until Oct 8 (when it reaches 10Aq38). These periods are often a time of enhanced creativity or of a need to focus your mental or artistic juices on a particular project. This is not just simply a situation of following your Muse blindly, since Pallas generally requires some planning and forethought to achieve good results. You have to pursue your goal deliberately and patiently, but with a light heart. The emotions frequently take a back seat to the thinking mind with Pallas transits, but this is particularly the case now since the entire retrograde cycle is in Aquarius. This sign is extremely mental and prone to intellectualizing any topic. I suspect that intense feelings may break through this barrier from time to time. Despite the "interruption" to your plans, heed these feelings and make room for them. It's a way for the unconscious mind to get your attention and have you take steps to balance a one-sided situation. So if you feel a bit avant garde in coming months and drawn to express yourself, indulge the urge. It may surprise you what you've kept hidden so long.

Uranus parallel Pluto, 6-22

Uranus is parallel Pluto on the 22nd for the second of 3 times. They met once before on Apr 25 and will return for the last time on Dec 13. Parallels are an odd kind of aspect indicating two planets are the same distance north or south of the equator. Acting somewhat like conjunctions, this creates a powerful connection between surprising and revolutionary Uranus and the deeper, transformative Pluto. Coming at the same time as their quintile aspect, it's like these two planets are connected on two separate planes at once. In short, 2002 is saturated with this unconscious urge to grow and evolve. You may be drawn in directions that you can't presently foresee, doing things and feeling emotions that are from so deep inside you that they hardly seem like you anymore. Approach this process with trust and respect, although you can't give in blindly and without responsibility. The outer planets take us where we need to go, not where we want to go. In time, after you've gone through all the changes, you'll understand things better.

Full Moon / Appulse Lunar Eclipse at 3Cp11, 6-24

Significantly, the eclipsed Moon is near Chiron over in Capricorn. Given the heavy mental influences this month, it's not surprising to see the Moon (emotions) feeling in the shadows and a bit battered up. Juno is also part of this picture, as if to say some of these raw feelings relate to partnerships. The other strong grouping in this chart is a large sextile fan of Neptune, Ceres, Mercury and Venus. Whereas Venus and Neptune were quite weak at the new moon, now they are the most dynamic planets in the whole chart. Romantic matters and our tendency to glamorize them may be foremost in our awareness. It's good to try and talk over problem areas with your partners before they lead to a communication breakdown. It's been a stressful spring for many people, a real emotional roller coaster. Time to slow down and make sure the summer goes more smoothly.