General Homeopathic Crystal Water Remedies

I have made a number of unique vibrational remedies over the years that I now call "homeopathic crystal water" (HCW) remedies. They were made by the HCW process for collecting and amplifying subtle vibrational energies. While many of these remedies were created simply as vibrational experiments on my part, I have been extremely gratified by the amazing results they have on the body and the aura. I can't vouch for the healing properties of some of these remedies yet, but I encourage people to try them out and see what they can do.

For convenience, these remedies are grouped into the following categories:

The Chakra Collection
The Four Elements
Vitamin Vibes
In the Bottom of the Grab Bag

The Chakra Collection

The remedies in the Chakra Collection were my first attempts at making HCW remedies, and they thoroughly convinced me of the value of this process. I created and captured a series of energies tuned to each of the major chakra centers, using a combination of techniques including the visualization of mandalas and the chanting of mantras related to the chakra, as well as using particular crystals that have an affinity for the chakra energy. The final remedies created by this process have a remarkable ability to stimulate and strengthen the individual chakra energies in your body, making it much easier to become consciously aware of these subtle vibrations. The blended mixture of this group of remedies, called Chakra Cocktail, is a powerful awakener of the entire subtle body. All of these remedies are available in both 6x and 12x potencies, with the 12x being a more refined and subtle influence.

1st Chakra

In addition to the visualizations and mantras, I used obsidian and red jasper to create a root chakra energy. This remedy is very grounding and calming, drawing your energy down to the base of the spine. This release of tension has a regenerating effect on the entire body, especially when you've been experiencing a lot of stress recently. It's helpful when you're feeling "spacey" or ungrounded, as it brings you out of your head and reconnects you with your physical body. Very relaxing at the end of a long day.

2nd Chakra

This is the "sexual chakra", centered in the pelvis, which made for an interesting energy capture session. Peach adventurine, a 2nd chakra stone, was used to enhance the energy. This remedy has a very "liquid" feeling to it, releasing muscular tension in the pelvic area and unlocking emotions (especially those related to intimacy issues). One woman who was trying to conceive a child used this remedy regularly and was quite pleased with the results. Over time, it helps you open up emotionally to others.

3rd Chakra

This is the center of strength and power in the body, helping to counter feelings of helplessness and stifled power. It's a good antidote to "ego problems" of both extremes, both the swollen head and the shrinking violet. It also has a marked influence on the digestive system (the alchemical fires in the belly that transform food into life force), especially when the digestive organs are feeling sluggish. It awakens the spiritual warrior in the soul. Citrine and tiger's eye were used to enhance these energies.

4th Chakra

This remedy opens up the heart chakra, freeing up the emotions and enabling you to love others better. It relaxes muscular tension in the rib cage area, which can inhibit the breath and quickly lower your overall consciousness. It has a very liberating influence on a person, as the feelings are no longer being held in check and the "emotional stonewalls" we erect to keep others at arm's length are brought down. Rose quartz and green adventurine were used here.

5th Chakra

The throat area and the 5th chakra seems to be a source of chronic problems these days for people of a spiritual bent. It's as though your subtle energies get blocked in the throat area when pure love must actually be expressed openly. This remedy is great for those who are reticent or afraid to speak their truth. This kind of holding back manifests as muscle tension in the throat, jaw, and around the voice box, which the remedy helps release. It's very good for TMJ problems. One woman who tried this remedy reported her body felt like it "vibrated" all night long. It enhances the ability to communicate and move out into the world, and possibly affects the metabolism (via the thyroid gland). I used blue lace agate and turquoise to create this remedy. It also sat in my window collecting sunshine through 2 separate eclipses, which surely increased the power of this formula.

6th Chakra

The third eye is the source of wisdom and insight. This remedy helps you break through old mental patterns and see the world in a new light. It enhances your intuition. It relaxes the forehead (especially between the eyebrows) and the upper head in general. There's a subtle effect on the eyes and vision, making the world appear brighter and livelier. Lapis and sodalite helped here.

7th Chakra

The crown chakra is where we open up to the spiritual forces in the universe around us. When this center is closed down, you are shut off from these forces. You feel cut off and unable to tap into these higher energies. Sometimes this shows up as a tendency towards headaches where there is banded tension across the forehead or over the top of the head. When this remedy is taken, one immediately feels the top of the head open up. There's a sensation on the head like the points of a crown reaching up to the sky. This chakra, when fully awakened, is the source of the highest states of consciousness humans can attain. Amethyst was used to make this remedy.


Sugilite is a crystal with the peculiar property of clearing out the energy channels connecting the chakras, allowing the energy within to flow smoothly. Once the centers have been awakened, this remedy helps all that energy to get moving. It helps to integrate the effects of all the other chakra remedies, by bringing together all the individual centers into one system. When I take this remedy, I feel a definite tingling along my entire spine, a symptom that I've learned to associate with an increased kundalini flow. The entire aura lights up as all the chakras wake up.

Chakra Cocktail

This amazing remedy is a blended mixture of all 7 chakra remedies along with Sugilite. It helps to open up all the centers at once, then gets the energy moving. The entire aura feels brighter and more vibrant. Taken over a period of time on a daily basis, it helps promote a permanent shift in consciousness. One herbal teacher I know routinely sends all her students over to get some Chakra Cocktail, as it increases their sensitivity and awareness towards the subtle forces she's talking about. The 6x potency seems to work on a more "concrete" level, and is useful for working with physical complaints. The 12x potency is more subtle and deep acting, making it more suitable for emotional clearing. This remedy is the most popular one I make, far out-selling all the others in my collection. If you get only one of the chakra remedies, this should be the one!

The Four Elements

The 4 elements are an idea that shows up in many mystical systems, such as astrology or the tarot. Each element symbolizes a different state of awareness or ability of the psyche to know or interact with the world. To make these remedies, I actively programmed a herkimer (a type of clear quartz crystal) with visualizations that capture the essence of each elemental force. No additional crystals were used to enhance the effect. Curiously, even though these remedies are chemically identical, many people report they feel and even taste different! In addition to their use as vibrational remedies for therapeutic purposes, I sometimes use them in my personal rituals. They have a unique ability to enhance the elemental energies of the 4 cardinal directions -- use your imagination! Available in 6x only.


This is a warm, active, bright vibration, filling a person with energy and drive. It strengthens the solar plexus chakra (3rd chakra) and stimulates the digestive tract. This remedy brings out the spiritual warrior in you. Many people say it has a slight cinnamon taste.


This remedy is very grounding and stabilizing. It calms and soothes the nerves and draws your energy down to the base of the spine. It does bring on a sense of inertia, however, as though you are rooted to the ground and can't (or don't want to) move. Very relaxing when you're feeling stressed out or out of touch with the world.


This remedy opens the heart chakra, calming the emotions and clearing the thought processes. It is very light and cooling, almost like a breeze gently blowing past the heart. The senses feel clearer and more focused. It also relaxes the muscles of the rib cage, which frees up the breath and raises you up to a higher state of consciousness. I've seen one case of a woman with chronic shortness of breath who was markedly helped with this remedy.


This is the most "liquid" liquid I have ever tasted! It soothes the emotions and opens you up to love and attraction to others. When I take it, I feel slow, rhythmic, rocking motions throughout my body, particularly in the pelvic area. Such wavelike motion is very characteristic of Water. There's a sensation in the body as if it's bringing extra moisture and water into the tissues. Very calming, definitely a "cool fuzzy" energy.

Vitamin Vibes

Many vitamins are pure chemical crystals as well as living compounds. As such, they are powerful sources of vibrational energy. We passively charged up some crystals for these remedies simply by putting them right in a bottle of vitamins for a few weeks, creating some interesting remedies. I suspect these remedies may even help the body assimilate these vitamins better, an effect often seen with homeopathic remedies, but I have no evidence of that for sure. Available in 6x only.

Vitamin C

Curiously, C affects the third eye markedly. It's a very high frequency vibration that really gets the higher chakras buzzing.

Vitamin B-6

A very relaxing, tranquilizing vibration. B-6 works by calming the nervous system and releasing stress.

Pantothenic Acid

An important tool for dealing with the effects of stress on the body and psyche. It releases blocked energies instantly and clears them out of the aura. Seems to be supportive of the adrenals in particular, and can be helpful when working with allergies.

In the Bottom of the Grab Bag

OK, so sometimes we're just a bit silly...


We poured all our wishes and desires for what makes us happy into a crystal one evening and made this remedy. It's interesting that when people take this one, they instinctively smile or giggle a little "for no reason". We could all use a little happiness in our lives! In 6x.


A friend once said to me, "Too bad you can't bottle your hugs!" (Yes, they're good.) I shot back, "We've got the technology!" We were able to capture the mood of a 10 minute hug in a herkimer between our hearts. I've given this remedy to many friends and they all seem to appreciate the "warm fuzzy" it contains. 6x only.