"Alert" Status of these Bills

I've added some "alert" icons on the home page to let you know when our bills require quick attention. OK, so I've watched too much Star Trek over the years, but they sure get your attention!

This means the bill is scheduled for a committee hearing or vote in the near future (the next few days) and you need to contact committee members immediately! If you're short on time, concentrate your efforts here.

This means the bill is still active in the legislative process, but is not currently scheduled for a hearing, vote or other action in the immediate future. This doesn't mean to ignore this bill (we still need to educate legislators), because a bill can become "hot" on a moment's notice and not leave you much time to respond. Keep up the pressure on the relevant committees.

This bill is no longer active in the legislative process for the session. You can safely ignore this bill for the time being.

Martin Bulgerin
BioPsciences Institute
P.O. Box 11026
Minneapolis, MN 55412
Email: bunlion@bitstream.net

Revision date: 2000-2-20
This page's URL is http://www2.bitstream.net/~bunlion/massage/alerts.html.
©Copyright 2000, BioPsciences Institute. All Rights Reserved.