Current Transits for July 2001

Here's some of the important astrological news this month ...


Full Moon / Partial Lunar Eclipse at 13Cp38, 7-5
Jupiter enters Cancer, 7-12
Chiron sextile Uranus, 7-18
Pallas Direct Station at 27Sc14, 7-18
Mars Direct Station at 15Sa07, 7-19
New Moon at 28Cn08, 7-20
Juno enters Cancer, 7-24
Vesta enters Gemini, 7-31

An online ephemeris for the month is available.

General Outlook for the Month

It will be nice to have some quieter energy in July after the major roller coaster of June. There are no significant ups and downs in the energy levels and few events worth mentioning. However, there are forces gathering (notably an opposition of Saturn and Pluto that matures Aug 5th) that may give the month a rather rough flavor. Not to mention that the waveforms are mostly stressful frequencies in July -- even without normal astrological triggers to look at, things feel stressful and static-y. Note that the full moon on the 5th is a lunar eclipse (which complements the solar eclipse of Jun 20) that initiates the next 6 months of transformations. This chart has important repercussions for the USA and George Bush in particular. It may feel difficult this month, like things are breaking or spinning out of control, but it's simply old realities falling apart to make way for the new.

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Full Moon / Partial Lunar Eclipse at 13Cp38, 7-5

Like the Jun 20 new moon last month, the full moon is also an eclipse, a symptom that powerful transformative forces are entering our lives for many months to come. This is a highly polarized chart, known to astrologers as a Seesaw pattern. The planets are split into two opposing groups, one stretching from Taurus to Cancer, the other spread over Scorpio to Aquarius. The eclipse itself is best seen over the western Pacific, appearing right overhead in Australia.

One of the intriguing details of this eclipse chart is a close conjunction of the eclipsed Moon and Ceres, both Mother symbols, in the patriarchal sign of Capricorn. It would appear that one of the important "splits" or polarities we're dealing with is the split of masculine and feminine values inside us. These two are closely connected with the Sun, Mars and Pluto, all masculine planets, further accenting this theme. There's also a split due to the Seesaw pattern of the more personal planets above the horizon and the more unconscious planets below. Usually when I see this kind of grouping, I get concerned that we are disconnected from some deeper issues that we aren't even aware of now, but will surprise us later. Problems relating to the expression of will power and your personal authority may bump up against the need to be in a more supportive role in some capacity. It's important to get some honest feedback from people that you trust now, since they can help you fill in some of these blindspots. Look for the rough spots when you're interacting with people, since those areas where we wind up butting heads are clues to these troublesome polarities as well. It's a time to bring balance into our lives.

One of the crucial issues about this eclipse chart is the way it influences both the USA chart and George Bush's chart. Right opposite that Capricorn Moon is the Sun at 13Cn38. While astrologers can't agree about the "true" USA chart, it's certain that the nation has it's Sun near 13 Cancer (I use a chart with 13Cn18), so the eclipse is affecting the country like a ringing bell for the entire next year. President Bush has his Sun at 13Cn47, very close to the USA Sun, which is probably one reason why he came out on top in our so-called election last fall. Normally, I don't take a "doom and gloom" approach to eclipses -- I feel that reputation is overblown. However, when it comes to the fates of nations and their leaders, these more pessimistic interpretations often ring true. Given that Bush is under the 20 year "presidential curse" anyway, this could be a dangerous year for him. At the very least, he should face many important challenges as a leader, for better or worse. Also, the eclipse Saturn (9Gm29) is going over the USA Uranus (8Gm55), which starts building explosive pressures for this country, possibly in the area of foriegn affairs. (7-8 degrees of Gemini is also the position of a potent Neptune-Pluto conjunction back in 1891-92 that marks the beginning of the modern world and the ascendency of the USA as a world power -- more stresses in these areas!) Neptune (8Aq02) is currently backing over the USA South Node (7Aq36) and Bush's 7th house cusp (7Aq06), indicating a big karmic time for the nation and its leader marked by a lack of clarity and good judgment. There are other connections as well. Suffice it to say this could be a "historic" year for us.

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Jupiter enters Cancer, 7-12

Jupiter shifts from Gemini into Cancer on the 12th for the next year. This zodiac sign is traditionally one of the best placements for Jupiter. The openness, warmth and enthusiasm of Jupiter seems to jive well with the warm, supportive Cancer streak, helping us be more emotionally available to others. It's also a time when the material and financial aspects of our lives seem to improve, so it's a good year to try to enhance your money situation. Interestingly enough, the USA is a highly Cancer nation, with 4 planets in this sign. The placements of Venus and Jupiter in early Cancer of the USA chart appear to affect the nation's financial situation, so the return of Jupiter to this sign signifies the current economic slump may be due to change soon. Despite the tightwad tendencies of the Republicans in power now, this could also spell an increase in national spending in the long term. On a personal level, this is an excellent year coming up to reach out to the people around you and forge some enduring emotional bonds. Cancer is the sign of family, and Old Jove is urging us to reach out and extend the boundaries of what you consider your clan to be. Jupiter moves into Leo on Aug 1, 2002.

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Chiron Sextile Uranus, 7-18

This aspect snuck up on me. My fancy $500 astrology package only picked up the first contact (last Nov 13) of this 3 contact affair, leading me to think it was a one pass influence. Imagine my surprise when it came back this month! (The third contact is Aug 10.) Here are two crazy Trickster planets out together on a joyride -- look out for the unexpected! It's an excellent time for getting a fresh perspective on old problems, since the pull of the past is weaker than normal. Try out new ideas and approaches that you'd normally bypass, especially if your usual methods don't seem to being working well. Visualize where you'd like your life to be headed, what alternatives you'd embrace, and let the universe fill in the details for you. Times like this can be fun and whacky, if you just let go of the outcome.

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Pallas Direct Station at 27Sc14, 7-18

Pallas reaches her direct station on the 18th, at 27Sc14, and then slowly shifts into normal motion after that. Since her retrograde station on Apr 5 (at 16Sa00), we've been in a cycle where we need to look closely at some creative endeavor. It's been a time when effortless activity hasn't paid off, so the more focussed and disciplined you've been, the better the results. As we hit the direct station, we get to see the payoff of our activities. Pallas projects require foresight and planning to pull off. Being a very mental body, the emotions often take a back seat and tend to be repressed. If you notice a moodiness or irritability now, it's probably because you've been straining so hard to get your work done that you haven't been paying attention to what you've been feeling. Take some time off to evaluate your progress, noting in particular the roadblocks you're experiencing and whether the results you're getting faithfully reflect the vision you were attempting to bring about in the first place. It may be time to make some adjustments to your game plan so things work out better in the next few months. Make sure your projects truly reflect who you are. SInce Pallas is tangled up with Pluto heavily this year, work that brings out your authentic nature is more likely to prosper than inessential or frivolous tasks. Above all, keep your eyes wide open.

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Mars Direct Station at 15Sa07, 7-19

Mars hits his direct station on the 19th, at 15Sa07. Mars has been in reverse gear since his retrograde station on May 11, at 29Sa03. Times when the Warrior God is backing up can be very frustrating because it seems everything you do backfires on you. The problem is rarely the outside world hemming you in, however. What most people don't realize is the extent we all sabotage our own actions. We all have subtle and not so subtle ways that we undermine our success -- the list is quite long. Whether by annoying others that you need to work with through an out of control temper, or not believing in your own competence, or any of a number of other self-defeating behaviors, each of us seems to have some way of snatching defeat from the jaws of success. Mars in reverse is a time to consciously experience this self-sabotage and learn to let go of those behaviors. You can't enjoy the abundance of the universe if you constantly turn it away at the last minute. As Mars goes direct now, it's time to take these lessons we've learned and move forward. Hopefully now, two steps forward won't require one step back anymore.

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New Moon at 28Cn08, 7-20

The new moon chart may well be the strongest time of the entire storm period -- the waveform peaks out at 493 units, just shy of a Koz Alert. A powerful opposition of Saturn-Venus and Pluto-Mars continues, aggravated by the new moon. Time to buckle down...

The new moon hints at a tough time the coming month. The influence of the opposition dominates the scene, since it combines 3 of the most difficult planets in a stressful pattern. If anything, the opposition is intensifying. Mars and Pallas are standing still now (which always cranks up a planet's power). Saturn and Pluto are drawing closer to an exact opposition on Aug 5, just after the August full moon. Ceres has backed over the lunar eclipse point, retriggering those energies for us. In short, we know what we have to do and now we just have to do it. Especially with Saturn and Pluto, there's often a heavy, karmic feeling, as though a burden of work-undone is hanging over your head. It's easy to feel discouraged, so don't take negative emotions too seriously now. On the other hand, Chiron and Uranus are focusing on the new moon itself. When you feel like you're stuck, take a fresh look at the situation. If you change your perspective, new options will open up and old troubles may seem inconsequential. It's a time for work, not self-pity. Keep up the effort...

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Juno enters Cancer, 7-24

Juno moves from Gemini into Cancer on the 24th for a two month stay. Juno is the queen of relationships between equal partners. Moving into Cancer is a green light for her to open her heart to another person. If you're looking to kindle a warm, loving relation with your partner, this is an excellent time to get close to them. Just remember that the connection must be genuine and without ulterior motives, since Juno has a nose for when people are taking advantage of her. In fact, just the suspicion that she's being taken advantage of will trigger rage and jealousy in her. If you find you or your partner are "inexplicably" showing this kind of behavior, check in with them whether they feel there's some inequity in the relation that hasn't be brought out into the open. Cancer rules the ideas of family or clan, of belonging and being a part of something. Ideally, a partnership is an emotional home where the two of you can meet and support each other. Really let them into your life without reservations and see how they respond to you. Usually the results are quite beautiful. Occasionally, if the partners are not mature enough to relate at this level for whatever reason, opening up may produce extra discord that needs to be worked through or accepted as a limiting boundary. Juno transits can lead to breakups in relations that are intrinsicly unhealthy, though that's not the common response. It's time to outgrow your own selfishness. Juno moves into Leo on Sep 17.

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Vesta enters Gemini, 7-31

Finally, Vesta shifts from Taurus into Gemini on the 31st. This can be a time when you retreat into a world of ideas in an attempt to discover what you truly believe. We normally think of Gemini as a real social butterfly, constantly flitting about and interacting with anybody in sight. Vesta is a loner, however, so continual social contact is more of a drain on her energies than anything else. The flood of ideas and perceptions that seems normal in our fast paced lives may be intolerable now. Vesta is the flame within, the small voice of the soul speaking up. Being bombarded now with information is akin to being estranged from your soul, producing a feeling of weariness and barrenness. Take time away from the crowd if you feel overwhelmed. Cultivate that connection with your inner voice, even if it means pulling back from others. Decide which ideas truly resonate with your inner nature and which are just background noise you've inherited from the world around you -- it's important to be discriminating now. Notice that Vesta goes retrograde on Oct 9 at 13Gm29, indicating that this placement is an extended lesson we will need to address for many months to come, so get used to this introverted streak. Vesta will back up into Taurus again on Dec 21 as part of this retrograde cycle, going direct on Jan 14, 2002 at 27Ta47 (near the Pleiades, a potent star cluster).

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Martin Bulgerin
BioPsciences Institute
P.O. Box 11026
Minneapolis, MN 55412

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