Current Transits for June 2003

Here's some of the important astrological news this month ...


Jupiter Opposing Neptune, 6-2
Saturn enters Cancer, 6-3
Sun Parallel Saturn, 6-6
Uranus Retrograde Station at 2Pi49, 6-7
Full Moon at 23Sa00, 6-14
Mars enters Pisces, 6-16
Jupiter Quincunx Chiron, 6-21
Mars Conjunct Uranus, 6-23
Saturn Trine Uranus, 6-24
Juno Direct Station at 4Sc42, 6-29
New Moon at 7Cn36, 6-29

An online ephemeris for the month is available.

General Outlook for the Month

Like May, June is quite a power house of a month, full of lots of changes in direction. Fortunately, the energy patterns that are coming up are somewhat easier to handle than last month's, but we should still have our hands full. Of the many noteworthy events on the way, two of the most intriguing are Saturn moving into Cancer on the 3rd and Uranus' retrograde station on the 7th. When Saturn changes its abode, it sets the mood for the next two and a half years. Given that the USA is basically a Cancer country anyway, this looks like a time when our nation is called to account for its actions and attitudes. We've burned a lot of bridges lately in order to have our little war and it's time to take a more constructive approach. At the very least, let's clean up our old messes before starting a new one, just like Mother told us. The Uranus station is also an indicator of rapid and unexpected changes in direction as situations boil over and take us by surprise. Take note of the passage of Mars into Pisces on the 16th and its subsequent conjunction with Uranus on the 23rd (in the midst of a raging planetary storm!). If things are going to "blow up" on us (literally or figuratively), these events are likely to time the match touching off the dynamite stick. The entire last half of the month is a potent storm pattern, more powerful than the May storms even. We've got a lot of cleanup and reconstruction to do this summer, so let's get busy!

By any standard, June is a busy month. There are at least 3 "big aspects" and several honorable mentions. Not to mention 2 important sign changes and 2 stations. That should be enough to keep us moving.

Jupiter Opposing Neptune, 6-2

Jupiter is opposing Neptune for the third and final time on the 2nd. This aspect started 2002-9-11 and repeated on Feb 16 of this year. The aspect is doubled in intensity by the planets being connected via a contraparallel (same distance north and south of the equator) during this same time period; the contraparallel is exact on the 17th. Jupiter is about reaching out into the world and expanding your horizons, of learning to see a bigger picture and making connections with other people. Neptune is the Dreamer and Mystic of the solar system, the one who enthralls us with the vision of a more perfect world. Normally, this would sound like a great combination, but the opposition seems to be bringing out a more difficult side of these planets than usual. For starters, these are both "big idea" planets without much of a sense for details or unsavory facts. They see things the way they want to, which often is at variance with reality. This opposition has a long history that ties it up with the recent Gulf War. The day after the first contact, in the midst of all the 9-11 anniversary hype, was when President Bush addressed the Security Council, chiding them for not taking action on the "danger" of Iraq. By the February contact, we were deep in the midst of war preparations, scolding the UN for not approving of the coming war and creating quite an international backlash against us. Well, we've had our war now and are trying to put Iraq back together. The string of wishful thinking that got us this far is unraveling. The "obvious facts" of danger from Iraq and its ties to terrorism are both mockingly groundless so far, probably stemming from bad intelligence and even worse "policy blindness" in our government. Worse, Iraq is proving more difficult to rebuild than we planned for, squandering any goodwill that our liberation generated. June is a time to get your feet on the ground and make up for any fuzzy, unrealistic thinking you've been prone to the last year. It's a call for realistic idealism and concrete actions. Simply claiming you did the right thing while the world is crumbling around you won't cut it anymore.

Saturn enters Cancer, 6-3

Saturn moves into Cancer for the next two years on the 3rd. It stays in this sign until 2005-7-16, when it slips into Leo. Saturn is the planet that makes us take responsibility for our actions, forcing us to "get serious" about some part of our lives. In Cancer, you'd expect the areas of family and home life to become more important. It's a time to realize that family is not just about being supported, but that we have obligations to those around us as well. You need to understand the giving as well as the taking. It's likely a time when you should overhaul some of your deeply held beliefs, particularly about the people and causes you belong to or support. This placement often has a big influence on our country, since the USA has 4 Cancer planets (Venus, Jupiter, Sun, Mercury). These Cancer planets not only reflect the heart and soul of America, but also affect the economy markedly. Note the last time Saturn was in Cancer (1973-75), was the time of Watergate and the oil embargo -- in fact, Nixon resigned as Saturn crossed the USA Sun. Before that (1944-46) was the end of WW2, as we took on a more active global role. With a national Sun at 13 Cancer, and a president with his Sun at the same degree, the country may be in for a bumpy two years, especially when Saturn reaches its retrograde station at 13Cn14 on Oct 25 this fall. We may be facing a time when we need to "fess up" to some of our shortcomings.

Sun Parallel Saturn, 6-6

As an added footnote, the Sun and Saturn are parallel on the 6th and again in early July. With Saturn near 0 degrees Cancer (the solstice point), it's as far north as it ever gets. This parallel is going to color the entire solstice period (most of June and early July) with a more sober energy. Since the last contact of this parallel is near July 4 and the solar return for the USA (not to mention Bush himself), the coming year is a critical time for us all.

Uranus Retrograde Station at 2Pi49, 6-7

Uranus is standing still at 2Pi49 on the 7th, about to start 5 months of reverse motion. It goes direct again at 28Aq54 on Nov 8. This particular retrograde cycle is important, because Uranus is in the extended process of moving from Aquarius into Pisces this year. For the last 3 months, we've been getting a taste of this new energy and what it demands of us. Since Pisces is such an "other" sign, both in the sense of caring for others and in concern for the other world, we've had our notions of how we are connected with others shaken up and challenged. So far, our attempts to help others or advance a cause have seemed shaky, perhaps even exploding in our faces. We've realized that ideals sometimes are out of step with the times. As we reach this station, there's likely to be a bit of a crisis emerging. When you consider the company Uranus is keeping this month, notably Saturn and Mars, I'd be surprised if there's not some major news coming up, especially during the last half of the month. Examine your basic assumptions, don't assume your point of view (no matter how "enlightened") is correct. We've got a lot of reevaluation ahead of us this year.

Full Moon at 23Sa00, 6-14

The Sun and Moon are relatively isolated in this chart, an indication that the power of this full moon is not closely connected to our everyday lives. The Moon, of course, is close to Pluto, which makes for a deeply transformative influence the next two weeks, but much of that activity may be more internal and under the surface. Considering how many of the planets are in fire or air signs now, the mood is more mental-intuitive, with the emotions taking a back seat. You may be in a dreaming mood, content to contemplate big thoughts that lack substance or practicality. There's nothing wrong with that in the short run, as long as you realize that things will be changing radically after the solstice. Soon it will be time for a softer, less forceful way of being, one that relies on feelings more than thought. In the meantime, take in the bigger spiritual dimensions present now (the full moon is near the Galactic Center), look at life from a grander perspective. Get ready to move out of your ivory castle and into the fray...

Mars enters Pisces, 6-16

Mars moves from Aquarius into Pisces on the 16th. Due to an upcoming retrograde cycle, this is an extended 6 month stay (until Dec 16). Since Mars is the planet of will power and self expression, while Pisces is the mystical humanitarian, it's not hard to see this is an unnatural placement for Mars. The focus on other people is a strain for our Warrior God, especially for 6 months! This may also indicate a lowering of your energy levels, as Pisces drains off Mars' drive and ambition. It's better to focus on others instead of Numero Uno if you want to get anything done.

Jupiter Quincunx Chiron, 6-21

Jupiter is quincunx Chiron on the 21st for the last of 3 times. The previous contacts were 2002-8-17 and 2003-1-29. This aspect, which started shortly after Jupiter entered Leo and has colored the entire year, seems to pit the individual against the demands of society at large. Jupiter in Leo is an attempt to let the individual shine, while Chiron in corporate-minded Capricorn shows how the larger world puts us down so we fit in better. Most societies, including our own, don't want free thinking people that live their lives like they were a work of art. People and institutions are easier to "manage" when they are somewhat beaten down and made more predictable. The training to be a "good person" is long, intense and extremely pervasive, penetrating our lives like the air we breathe. It's tough to break out of this mold, even in small ways, but it's worth the effort. It's good to be truly alive.

Mars Conjunct Uranus, 6-23

By the 23rd, Mars has moved far enough into Pisces to contact Uranus, right at the height of the big storm. If Mars is the spark, Uranus is the dynamite stick -- the situation could be extremely dynamic and volatile! Your best bet is to be involved with some kind of creative work that doesn't require others -- let Mars bring your Uranian inspiration into physical form. I'd be quite leary of anything that brings people together, especially in a competitive manner, as the chances of anger flaring up and getting out of control are high. There are lessons to learn here, but it may not be pretty. Keep a wide open mind about others -- it's way too easy to fool yourself in unintended ways.

Saturn Trine Uranus, 6-24

One of the most crucial aspects all month is the trine of Saturn and Uranus on the 24th. Like the other big aspects we've discussed, this is the last of 3 contacts, with previous contacts on 2002-8-21 and 2002-12-16. Unlike the previous versions of this aspect, both planets have changed signs this time. As planets go, Saturn and Uranus are about as different as you can possibly get, like the well dressed business man standing next to the punk rocker in black. Trines have a way of making things work out, however, so somehow these two have gotten along this year. Uranus has been urging stodgy Saturn to try out some new things, of not being so restricted by the way things have been in the past. It's been helpful to not be so tradition bound. But water signs are more apt to backslide, since the emotions usually resonate more to the tried and true. This may be a time to attempt to consolidate these past changes and make them more tolerable to the mainstream. Given the big storm, this may not be easy. But it's important to balance out the conflicting needs for stability and renewal. It's an interesting tightrope walk we have here...

Juno Direct Station at 4Sc42, 6-29

Juno is standing still on the 29th at 4Sc42, about to resume normal motion. She's been in reverse gear since Mar 8, when she stood still at 20Sc29. Juno in Scorpio is in a bit of a quandary. What she wants most in life is to be loved and accepted, to enter into a close partnership of equals. Unfortunately, Scorpio can be an emotional hall of mirrors, particularly the wavy, distorted kind. If there's any way you can make the life of the emotions more complicated and murky, Scorpio's probably tried it already. This endless tunnel of twisted feelings and the soap operas they breed is deadly to the kind of clarity and trust Juno desires. Sometimes the ego traps can create impossible situations, such as when you conclude that it's "obvious" your partner can never be trusted or that you will never live up to their expectations. Most of these movie plot lines are simply fictions of your own mind; many of the rest are due to lack of communication and acceptance. Nothing builds trust like trust -- you just have to have the courage to start the process going. It's time to break out of these traps and move on with life. It's a shame not to enjoy a true loving partner.

New Moon at 7Cn36, 6-29

By the new moon, the big storm pattern is calming down considerably. In broad outline, the pattern is still the same: a lot of planets in Cancer (Mercury, Saturn, Sun, Moon) trining the Pisces bodies (Mars and Uranus), creating a preponderence of water/emotional energy . It's time to get out of our heads and start feeling our connections to the people near to us. Many of the issues encountered in the last few days should probably carry over into July, though maybe not so intensely. In general, slow down, don't be in such a hurry, enjoy life a little more. Realize that your connection to others is the lifeblood that fills life with joy and meaning, even if those social bonds are a bit trying or troublesome occasionally. Give of yourself more often and don't "keep score" in your relationships so much. As a society, one of our biggest downfalls is how busy we are. We're so busy making a living that we never simply live; we strive after the next new thing too much, forgetting how much we already have in our lives. Perhaps if we remain content to live more simply, we'd see what abundance is already ours. The alternative is to continue the crazy pace until things go "snap!" in our faces and fall apart. See you next month...