Current Transits for May 98

Here's some of the important astrological news this month ...


Mars and the Sun play Tag all month
Neptune Retrograde Station at 2Aq10, 5-4 -- one of the landmark events of 1998!
Ceres enters Taurus, 5-6
Juno Direct Station at 20Vi58, 5-10
Full Moon at 20Sc42, 5-11
Uranus Retrograde Station at 12Aq44, 5-17
Mars enters Gemini, 5-23
New Moon at 4Gm23, 5-25

General Outlook for the Month

May appears to be a continuation of the aimless, changeable energy that dominated April. I've rarely seen a month that is as "featureless" as this one in terms of the A5 Spectrum patterns. However, there are a number of important milestones to consider this month, notably the stations of Juno, Uranus and Neptune, that should considerably liven up the scene. These cause situations of long-standing to change in some abrupt and unexpected directions, forcing us to start making some overdue shifts in old patterns and habits. It's apt to be a high energy time physically, with the Sun and Mars together in the sky the whole month, so get off your behind and put all that drive to good use (the more muscular, the better). It's crucial to keep your "psychic antennae" out, since many of the new influences are subtle and easily overlooked if your awareness is lazy or unfocused. Otherwise, enjoy a beautiful spring!

The main news for May is the series of 3 stations, indicating strong "change in direction" tendencies throughout the month, along with a couple of sign changes. In addition, Mars and the Sun are quite close to each other all month. Their combined influence as they move from place to place in the zodiac is the most crucial indicator of "what's important" at any given time during the month.

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Mars and the Sun play Tag all month

As I just mentioned, Mars and the Sun are playing tag all month, never straying more than a few degrees from each other the entire time. Both these planets are powerhouses, vibrant and full of life, so they are producing a great amount of vitality at all levels. This feels more physical and grounded during the first 3 weeks of May, since both planets are travelling through Taurus, a very earthy sign. From the 22nd on, however, they move into Gemini, a light, airy and mental sign. At this point, life seems to pick up speed and zip about much more than usual. It seems the intellect goes into expressive overdrive, becoming talkative and extremely interested in everything. One of the main reasons May is so changeable is because of this Mars-Sun point emphasizing one major planet for a few days, then the next, then yet another. It's almost as though our ego level of functioning woke up each morning and asked itself, "What am I interested in today?" Follow this thread of shifting attractions long enough, and you'll probably wind up making some pretty interesting discoveries about yourself. At the very least, use this powerful, expressive energy for good use -- don't squander it. It's rare to have this much force flowing through us for such a long period of time -- it makes impressive results much more attainable.

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Neptune Retrograde Station at 2Aq10, 5-4

The first body to stand still is Neptune on the 4th, at 2Aq10. This station is a critical turning point for all of 1998, since Neptune is in an extended transition from Capricorn into Aquarius this year. On the 4th, it reaches it's furthest foothold in Aquarius before starting to creep back. It slips back into Capricorn on 8-22 and finally enters Aquarius for good on 11-27. The feel of Neptune energy is very different in these two zodiac signs, so this transition represents a marked shift in how we interact with our world. Capricorn's influence is quite dense and heavy, while the Aquarian vibe is light, quick and extremely iconoclastic. We've pushed this new approach about as far as we can right now without going back and cleaning up some loose ends first. For many years, our vision has been earthbound, focused on "nuts and bolts" realities. All of a sudden this winter, a new vision of what is possible entered the scene. This is a lighter, more electric, more vital energy than we've been used to handling. Consequently, most of us have been experiencing a sense of overwhelm in some part of our lives (often health related). That's because Neptune refers to our abilities to sense and work with the subtle energetic connections that underlie the visible world of the 5 senses. As we start opening up to this "Dreamtime" experience, our psyches, our own subtle energy fields, and especially the nervous system has been inundated. Perhaps the coming passage through the earth-sign of Capricorn is a chance to "ground" these experiences before moving forward again. This is also a time coming up to look at how deeply we are motivated by our fears instead of our loves and passions. Neptune is the Higher Heart, the realm where we become one with the things we love. Saturn, the planet of restrictions and pulling back, is the ruler of Capricorn, making it very hard to open the heart until now. Those restrictions are fading, but we are still gripped by the old fears. In effect, the next 6 months are a time to examine why we can't make our dreams come true. An accomplished Dreamtime Worker weaves the subtle energies all about us into actual experiences -- we all have this potential at some level. For all too many reasons, we all are presently unable to fulfill this gift. Whether through lack of strength, lack of skill, lack of courage, or good old unconscious self-sabotage, what we actually create in life is so much less than we dream for. For now, start with the dream -- cultivate it in your mind clearly, precisely and passionately. Then meticulously and carefully remove all the barriers that prevent it from happening. Don't settle for less. (P.S. -- don't get too mesmerized by the May 4th date, since Neptune stations are active for about 2 weeks solid.)

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Ceres enters Taurus, 5-6

The asteroid Ceres shifts from Aries into Taurus on the 6th, where it will stay until July 28th. Ceres in Taurus can be translated quite literally as "Mother Earth" -- the quality of life-giving and nurturance at its most basic, physical level. This is a time to experience more fully the mysteries of Life and our intimate connections with all living things about us. If you're a gardener or outdoors person, this is an excellent means of getting in touch with this influence. It has many subtler manifestations, as well, but whatever the level, it's crucial to get involved with others and feel the bonds of love and protection that connect us all. Ceres the Great Mother reminds us that just as we receive support from others in a stronger position than ourselves, we can return the favor by helping someone a step below us. This is giving without purpose and without keeping score, a sharing of bounty that flows from an open heart. What flows into your life must also flow out again -- you can't dam up or horde the life force. This Web of Life is a subtle, but powerful experience, very much in tune with the strong Neptune energies (the Higher Heart) present at this time. At its best emotional expression, it brings ecstacy, pure and simple. Open yourself up to this flow.

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Juno Direct Station at 20VI58, 5-10

On the 10th, Juno is standing still at 20Vi58, about to resume normal forward motion once more. Lady Juno is the partnership planet, hands down. Her retrograde passage in Libra and Virgo has highlighted our relationships so far this year, getting us to reassess how well we interact with our partners. The most important key to loving, according to Juno, is learning to treat partners as equals, deserving of our respect. She has no patience for manipulation and power games, with trying to "control" others as we see fit. Whether being a tyrant or a victim, of using emotions as a weapon or withholding your love and support, there are endless ways for us to undermine our relationships. Unfortunately, none of them work out well. The only way to love is simply to love, with an open heart that harbors no expectations. As we finish up this time of testing, it should be more obvious which parts of our relations are working and which aren't. It's time to fix those dysfunctional areas once and for all.

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Full Moon at 20Sc42, 5-11

The main group of planets in this chart create a pattern that astrologers call a Mystic Rectangle. While primarily a smooth flowing connection, it does have a certain element of "grit" to it that makes life challenging. It gets more interesting when you look at the planets involved. is standing still, a day after her station. She's opposite Jupiter and Pallas. I've often found Juno-Jupiter connections in charts for people with severe relationship issues, as though they were living out the myth of Juno and Jupiter's tempestuous marriage. Mistrust, jealousy, manipulation, intrigues are often the real basis for these relationships, even though a more ideal, egalitarian partnership is desired. Pallas' wisdom and insight may be of help in sorting out the issues, even though Pallas is sometimes accused of being a "Daddy's girl" (to Jupiter, according to myth) or "selling out", another unworkable relating style. These same "perversions of Love" (as I term them in my flower essence work) accord well with the Scorpio full moon, since the emotions are motivated mostly by fear and suspicion with this placement. With Chiron on one side of the Moon and Pluto on the other, it's a good time to look closely at these negative emotions and loosen their grip on you. It simply requires being more grounded and sensible in your assessments, giving others some space instead of doubting their every move. Having a sense of security within yourself, that you can open up to others and still be yourself, also helps. Take it easy on yourself and others.

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Uranus Retrograde Station at 12Aq44, 5-17

On the 17th, Uranus stands still at 12Aq44. Uranus plays a role in our lives akin to a lit dynamite stick. Whenever some area of life gets too comfy and stuck in a rut, Uranus eventually comes along and blows it up. Life is about change and growth, so long-term stasis (no matter how comfortable) is ultimately undesirable. Look for the novel and unexpected to start cropping up. Weird coincidences and quirky turns of your luck are symptoms of Uranus at work -- it almost seems the idea of "synchronicity" was coined to describe this planet. The next 5 months (until Uranus' direct station at 8Aq48 on 10-18) are a time for surprises and insights. Uranus provides the "ah-ha!"s that we need to recognize our ruts and how miserable these "comforts" make us feel. These insights can come from anywhere ("a bolt from the blue" is so Uranian!) when you least expect it, so keep your eyes open. Better still, keep your mind open, since mental flexibility is a must when encountering this Trickster planet in action. Feel the freedom to change your mind, your opinions and your points of view -- this is a sign of maturity and openness now, not weakness or indecision. The quicker you adapt to changing circumstances, the easier the transitions will be. Enjoy the ride! Uranus can be a lot of fun, if you're in the mood for it.

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Mars enters Gemini, 5-23

Mars moves from Taurus into Gemini on the 23rd, where it will reside until July 6th. As I just said, this shifts self-expression into a more mental groove than it's been in some time. Mars is about will-power and doing the things you want to do. The Gemini coloration channels all this "doingness" into mental projects, communications, and learning (although Gemini tends to be a dabbler instead of an indepth scholar). You may find your mind flitting around from one topic to another, moving around as your interests and whims become diverted by the next intriguing possibility. This placement is not so useful for determined or disciplined projects (like Mars in Taurus or Capricorn), so don't tie yourself down to big, involved activities that require a lot of attention and effort -- the "oomph" and follow-through just isn't present at this time. This position is also apt to stimulate your social life and make you more interested in mingling than usual, so feel free to indulge this trend. The contact with others will provide the mental stimulation you're craving these days. Enjoy the fast paced time -- it does slow down when Mars hits Cancer instead.

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New Moon at 4Gm23, 5-25

Even though the prevailing mood seems light and carefree, there are some powerful undercurrents going on in this chart. The new moon itself is directly opposite Pluto, Lord of the Underworld, and taps into Neptune as well. This shows potent unconscious tendencies at work under the surface, probably ones quite at odds with our stated goals and ideals. Examine the feedback you get from others carefully, since they are holding up a revealing mirror to you for the shortcomings of your own behavior. It's too easy to blow off this criticism if you aren't used to digging below the surface. The coming lunar month is a time to open up to fresh, new ideas that challenge your old beliefs. It may be difficult for awhile to get anything accomplished, since half the planets are scattering their power around in a useless fashion. Consider this more a time for discovery and learning than a time for action and the month will go much smoother.

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Martin Bulgerin
BioPsciences Institute
P.O. Box 11026
Minneapolis, MN 55412

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