Classes, Products, Services at BPI

Heads Up! I would recommend you move to the new BPI web site now -- it's ready to use. No new material will be added to this old site in the future. Please stay abreast of our Moving and Renovation Plans during this transition period.

Please feel free to contact us at BPI for further information. Contact information for BPI, including business phone number, is at the end of this page. Classes and private sessions are held at our offices at 224 W. Franklin Ave., in south Minneapolis, unless otherwise noted.

Astrology Classes * Flower Essence Classes * Products * Services

How to Find Our Offices * Contact information for BPI


Martin is available for private, one-on-one sessions. Normal business hours are Tuesday from 10:00 AM on, as well as Wednesday and Friday afternoons after 3:00 PM. Other times may be available by special arrangement, if necessary. Our offices are in the Cloudwalk Healing Center at 224 W. Franklin Ave., in south Minneapolis. All sessions are by appointment -- please call the business phone number at the end of this page.

Ortho-Bionomy® Sessions

Ortho-Bionomy is a gentle, but highly effective system of therapeutic bodywork for the relief of pain and muscle tension in the body. It's useful not only in cases of injury (such as whiplash or sports injury), but it's also a great way to release the stress and tension of daily living. Private sessions are $80 and last about 75 minutes.

Flower Essence Consultations

Flower essences are an exquisite tool for breaking through psycho-emotional blockages and issues -- provided you find the right remedies. Martin is one of the leading flower essence consultants in this region. In a 2 hour consultation, we will determine the right remedies to address your current situation, literally tuning the mixture to enhance your subtle energetic pattern. These sessions are $80, while the remedy costs $10 (plus 7.775% MN sales tax).

Astrological Readings

Private readings of your astrological birthchart show the potentials and basic "life stories" that you were born with and keep reliving daily. Clients usually find this overview of "why my life happens the way it does" quite illuminating and often a big emotional relief. Readings also include a look at the current astrological influences (transits) affecting your birthchart, which trigger your current and upcoming circumstances. These readings last about 2 hours and cost $100. You are encouraged to bring a tape recorder for later reference.

Other astrological services available by request.

Classes, Talks, Etc.

Please call Martin at his business phone or email him to register for classes or find out more information. You must call ahead to pre-register. If you are interested in a class that is not currently scheduled, contact me anyway and get your name on our mailing list of classes -- I'll let you know when more information is available.

If your store or organization would like to sponsor one of these classes or a talk/workshop at your place, contact BPI to make arrangements.

Beginning Flower Essence Training

Working with Flower Essences

Date: Thursdays, Apr 16 and 23, 2009
Time: 6:30 to 8:30 PM
Place: BPI office
Cost: $20 an evening.

Flower essences are highly effective vibrational remedies made from medicinal flowers for working with psycho-emotional problems in people's lives. These classes, taught by flower essence consultant and maker Martin Bulgerin, are an opportunity to get acquainted with these powerful remedies, or to deepen your understanding and skills in their use. This is a short 2 evening class that introduces the concepts behind flower essences, how they are made and used, and how to work with people to determine the most appropriate remedies to help them. The second evening includes some hands on practice with using pulse testing as a means of choosing appropriate remedies for clients. No prior experience is presumed, but we will cover a lot of material in a short time. Martin has been active in the area of natural healing for years and is locally recognized as an skilled expert in flower essence therapy.

This class is a prerequisite for the Advanced Flower Essence Training.

Advanced Flower Essence Training

This is a series of classes suitable for people with a deeper interest in flower essences or who wish to use them in their own healing practices. We cover many remedies in depth, general concepts of subtle energy and psychology that underlie successful essence work with people, pulse-testing (literally a "hands on experience"), working with clients, and many other topics. These are the first classes of their kind where I share the years of experience I've gained in this field.

The Australian Bush Essences, Part 1

Date: Tuesdays, starting Jun 16, 2009 (3 sessions)
Time: 6:30 to 8:30 PM
Place: BPI office
Cost: $25 an evening

Australian naturapath Ian White travelled all over the "Down Under" to make his collection of vibrant and powerful flower remedies that embody the aboriginal healing powers of this sacred land. In this advanced class, we will start exploring this collection, covering the remedies from this large kit that come up most often. Much of the material is based on class notes I took during workshops that Ian taught here in the US, plus my own experiences with the remedies after using them for over a decade. This is a brand new class consisting of material I've just started to share. I expect it to run 3 evenings.

The Best of the FES Remedies

Date: Tuesdays, starting May 5, 2009 (4 sessions)
Time: 6:30 to 8:30 PM
Place: BPI office
Cost: $25 an evening.

The FES flower essence kit is a large collection of essences, some that are so useful they come up every day, others only once in a blue moon. This series of 4 evening classes covers the most important 30 or so remedies from the FES that you will use most often. Descriptions of these remedies are on a deeper level than can be found in most books, based on 19 years of my experience with these subtle energies and how they work in people, including correspondences to the human chakra system. This is one of my advanced topics in flower essence work, so some prior experience is recommended.

Chakras for Flower Essence People

Date: Saturday, May 9, 2009 (one day)
Time: 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Place: BPI office
Cost: $60 for the entire day

The chakra system is an indispensible tool for understanding and talking about the human subtle energy system (or aura). I routinely use the condition of a client's chakra system as a way to describe their aura and to choose the flower remedies for treating them. We will study in depth the types of experiences common with each of the chakras, flower essences that have a particular affinity with each point (based on my own research) and how to assess the points through observation and pulse testing. This is one of my advanced topics in flower essence work, so some prior experience is recommended.

Astrology Classes

Reading Your Own Birthchart

Date: 6 Tuesday evenings starting January 27, 2009
Time: 6:30 to 8:30 PM
Place: BPI office
Cost: $25 an evening.

If you've ever looked at your own (or a friend's) birthchart and it looked "clear as mud", then this beginning astrology course is for you. This six evening class covers all the basics of reading a natal horoscope, including the following topics: Planetary Symbolism (the major planets, asteroids and other important points in a birthchart), Zodiacal Signs, Houses, Aspects and Complexes, Synthesizing an Interpretation. By the end of these classes, you should start clearly seeing the living person in the birthchart. No prior astrological background is presumed, but prepare to move through the material quickly! You'll need a copy of your birthchart; these may be obtained from the teacher for $5. Attendance at all classes is highly encouraged. Extensive handouts provided. Additional topics (such as transits) discussed as time permits. An excellent way to start doing "real" astrology!


Flower Essences and other Vibrational Remedies

The full line of flower essences, gem elixirs, and HCW remedies from BPI are explained on our Flower Essences page, including ordering information. Mail order within the USA is available.


A subscription to our monthly astrological newsletter, The Daily Koz, insures you will find out about the upcoming planetary influences and how they affect you in a timely fashion. You could easily spend hundreds of dollars a year to get this kind of detailed astrological information, instead of $3 a month. Have all this info mailed to your door each month -- it beats waiting for me to update my astrology web pages!

If you'd like to see what the planetary waveform of your own birthchart looks like, order your Natal A5 Spectrum. These waveforms are my number one astrological tool for understanding charts of all kinds -- they help you "see the forest for the trees" in a chart. This is extremely useful if you tend to get lost in the details whenever studying your birthchart.

How to Find the BPI Offices

Our offices are at the Cloudwalk Healing Center (marked by the red arrow on the map) at 224 W. Franklin Ave. in South Minneapolis. The Center is on the north side of Franklin, between Pleasant and Pillsbury Avenues (the nearest N-S streets). There is parking behind the Center, as well as on nearby streets.

(We are in the third story room with the 3 dormer windows above the front door, with a bird's eye view of Franklin Ave.)

Nearby landmarks: We are 5 blocks east of the Wedge Food Co-op (the green arrow) on the north side of Franklin Ave., or about 2 blocks west of Nicolett Ave. The nearest freeway exit is the Hennepin and Lyndale exit of I-94, just east of the Lowry Tunnel. The nearest exits from 35W are the Lake St./31st St. exits (coming north on the freeway) or the 35th/36th St. exits (either direction).